Firework duty with Statesville Fire
By Deputy Chief Thomas Groff
July 3, 2016

This year 2 local businesses joined with The City of Statesville to bring fireworks back to Statesville. Country Boy Landscaping and Tim Johnson Landscaping joined forces to co sponsor this years fireworks. The site was moved from the mall to an area behind the old parks and rec facility. This area was an open field which needed fire protection during the festivities. Brush 1 and Tanker 1 assisted Statesville Fire members with protection. We were able to bring our families close to the launch site for a front row seat. After a successful show and no need to put any water on the ground a great time was had by all.

Units: Brush 1, Tanker 1, Deputy Chief Thomas Groff, Captain Jonathan Teague, Brian and Kendall Bowman, Anthony and Zach Weston